From the feedback we recieved our site is quite simple but have the information needed. You can get your dental facts easily and interactive. It think the site would functionly more easily if we were to make the font larger. And make the pages more interesting because the text is not very interesting. I got a better knowledge of dreamweaver and the background of making a site.

In class we read an article in which we found information or “gems” that really stood out. This is what I thought.

Planning a website

  • The main purpose of this planning is to carefully map out the site architecture
  • An easy to navigate site is essential to success


  • fully understand what the website is required to do
  • should have access to all relevant content to build your site

Aesthetic considerations

  • Screen size: most widely available are 640 x 480 pixels, 800 x 600 pixels, and 1024 x 768 pixels. Most mainstream sites use 800 x 600 pixels
  • Font Size: Best Fonts: Serif, Times, Times New Roman, Georgia, Sans Serif, Arial, Helvetica, Verdana, Monotype, Courier, Courier New. If you do not specify a different font within the HTML code type will be displayed in Times or Times New Roman.
  • Browser Compatibility: Information appears darker on PCs then Macs. Check your design by viewing it on different browsers.

Consider the Following:

  • Hierarchy: How many levels will the site have?
  • Navigation: How will the user move between pages?: You should know what to click on and where to look without being told. Menus are traditionally put across the top or a column down the side. Navigation menus should always be in the same place and follow the same format. Not a good idea to use underlined blue text. A framed site allows the user to scroll through the content while the menu remains in place.

Image Formats

  • JPEG files can contain millions of colors and are therefore good for saving photographic information.
  • GIF files are good for single colored logos or buttons , record transparency and animation sequences.
  • Not everyone has a high quality PC or Mac
  • Using Photoshop ” save for web” function allows you to see the image based on a range of quality settings
  • dont resize images from within programs such as Dreamweaver

Cascading Style Sheets

  • A style sheet is a set of instructions that tells the web browser how to present a page.
  • control font, background images, image postions, text alignment.

Here I made a Mind Map of all the things we learned so far. It is pretty big; I’m excited to see what happens in the future.

For this challenge I have redesigned a tragic web page. I redesigned the Yale Art School web page and you would think because it is an art school it would be great. Well I thought the same thing until I saw the hideous piece. I added a picture of the school then incorporated two colors from the picture into the web page. I also added the name onto the web page which tells you what exactly you are looking at. This gave the site more of a professional and serious tone it deserves. I used repetition by using the same colors from the picture in the web page. I used the grey for the font and blue for the background. It made it very simple and clean. I did add a bit of mess to add some contrast to the boxy-ness by using the paint option in between the banner and the bottom. I began to understand the use of tools. Tools just like paint brushes and adding the font. The layers seemed to be quite a difficult thing to understand for me. Now, I understand how they work a lot better. Before this I never worked on Photoshop; I’m glad I had this experience.

This is my follow up email to Mr. Bartlet for web design.

Dear Mr. Bartlet,

Thank you for your time today. We spent sometime comparing prices and what comes with the hosting services. We also looked at your website and found what we thought would make your website a little better. In the end we came with the conclusion that iPage was best for you. Everything was done with your needs in mind. iPage had an excellent price with the special deal going on of $4.50. And found that it had a really simple and good site builder. From the thousands of reviews we looked through we found that many small business owners found the site builder to be easy and helpful. Another thing that we thought would better your site was the e-commerce. Online shopping is very popular within small businesses and even bigger ones. With the help of online shopping you can further your business and  make more money. Overall, our goal was to make your website simply be more appealing to the eye and for you to make more money. And for you in the future to become a big a popular swimwear company. I hope  in the future you will reuse our services. Thank you again.



  • I do have internet.
  • They provide you with internet service. Sometimes for extra they provide you with other things like email.
  • They promise to have the fastest internet; and that they are spam free.
  • This means that you can do everything without any problems that you may get with other ISPs. It goes smoothly and constant lagging and ad pop ups.
  • They will lose customers and get a bad reputation.

This was the first challenge and it was a ….. interesting experience. I have never done something like this before. I found two main weaknesses in the product. One was that all the codes were complicated and hard to control. When I say control I mean how  all the letters and things are mashed and you are supposed to remember to add things in or delete extra things. It can get pretty messy and confusing. Also I found that with all this hard work the design aspect is really bland. You can add a solid background color or make the text bold; I would have really liked for there to be interesting backgrounds or cool fonts. I also found there to be strengths. Its a very efficient way to get your message across. Compared to how long it would take for a intricate, nice webpage up this was quite fast. Another strength was the fact that you can do all this by saving the file as an html and it going up and being able to see it right away.

The process was a good learning experience. Strengths that I found good was that Takumi my partner was able to take in the information efficiently. It made getting things up and ready quicker. I felt I relied heavly on my partner to do all the coding; next time I hope to have more of a role. Also, it was fun how we incorporated a lot of photos in for visual effect. There were strong weaknesses that came out like any good process that gets the job done. I wish we could have found ways to make it more visually pleasing; Even without the use of cool fonts and interesting backgrounds. I would wish that the situation though would be more realistic. That way it would relate to us, the students, more.

Overall this was a great project and Im glad we did it. Cant wait to see the challenges in the future!


WWW is to internet, as splotch is to cow.

In class our assignment was to think of an analogy that had to do with how big the world wide web was to the interent. On a cow there are countless splotches lost in a sheet of white. Just like the world wide web.